Loves Tina Turner and like to watch Sex & The City and Biathlon on TV. Likes the autumn and visiting Bissasjaure.
We offer a well stocked grocery store – and also some of our customers most popular services:
Loves Tina Turner and like to watch Sex & The City and Biathlon on TV. Likes the autumn and visiting Bissasjaure.
Like to listen to Foo Fighters and to watch Greys Anatomy and Yellowstone on TV. Summer is the favorite season and like to visit Soudsträsk.
When not on the phone Metallica pour out in his headphones. Like to watch cross country on TV when not running himself. Autumn is the favorite season.
Likes to listen to the radio when he doesn't sing himself. Likes to watch McGyver adn biathlon on TV. Spring is the favorite season.
Vi på Ammarnäs livs har fått projektstöd från Europeiska jordbruksfonden för landsbygdsutveckling för att investerat i ett nytt kassasystem, detta för att kunna öka servicen och minska driftstörningarna i butiken. Det är Länsstyrelsen i Västerbotten som har beslutat om projektstödet.